What solergy is?

solergy is a technological innovation developed to be used as an energy supplement in animal feed. It maximizes the feed energy uptake in the phases of maximum productive demand.

SOLERGY solves the metabolic limitations suffered by the sow during lactation, where its intake capacity is lower than the energy requirements needed to produce milk for a high number of piglets.

MORE MILK YIELD: Improves vitality and growth of piglets.


Improves milk production of the sow and its body reserves state.

Improves milk production of the sow and its body reserves state.

Improves the average weight gain in piglets at weaning.

Improves the average weight gain in piglets at weaning.
+19 g/piglet*.

Mortality decreases.

Mortality decreases.
+0,85 piglets weaned piglets / litter

Ameliorates reproductive parameters for the next birth

Ameliorates reproductive parameters for the next birth

Mode of action

solergy provides gluconeogenic substrates that activate energy generation in the liver together with fat catabolism. Increases the energy uptake of amino acids. It also contains phytogenic substrates that protect gluconeogenesis and stimulate other pathways for energy production.

In addition, the gluconeogenic cycle mobilizes the Acetyl-Co-A accumulated in the degradation of fats, thus improving the voluntary intake of the sow,

Better use, More intake, More energy.


More milk for the piglets that gain more weight, resulting in greater benefits.

More milk, more vigorous piglets and less mortality.

Better body condition score of the sow at weaning, earlier and better ovulation with fewer unproductive days of the sow on the farm higher number of piglets in the next cycle (farrowing)..


Sows have high energy requirements that cannot be covered just with feed.

NEGATIVE ENERGY BALANCE forces the mobilization of FAT RESERVES leading to LIVER HAS TO MAKE HUGE EFFORTS to metabolize all this extra fat on top of the diet, with the resulting RISK OF KETOSIS.

The sow’s liver also has to make a huge additional effort due to the amount of milk it has to produce. By the time of weaning, the sow is very thin and has no more fat reserves, The lack of fat reserves makes correct hormone development more difficult:
      Delay in ovulation
      The quality and quantity of its ova are reduced
The number of non-productive days increases and the next pregnancy / birth is less productive.





Lactating Sows


20-50 g/animal/day*

*Recommended standard dosage.
Igusol’s technical department calculates the right dosage taking into account the data and objectives of each farm.


20 kg bag

Solergy in Lactation Sows

What solergy is?

solergy is a technological innovation developed to be used as an energy supplement in animal feed. It maximizes the feed energy uptake in the phases of maximum productive demand.

SOLERGY solves the metabolic limitations suffered by the sow during lactation, where its intake capacity is lower than the energy requirements needed to produce milk for a high number of piglets.

MORE MILK YIELD: Improves vitality and growth of piglets.


Improves milk production of the sow and its body reserves state.

Improves milk production of the sow and its body reserves state.

Improves the average weight gain in piglets at weaning.

Improves the average weight gain in piglets at weaning.
+19 g/piglet*.

Mortality decreases.

Mortality decreases.
+0,85 piglets weaned piglets / litter

Ameliorates reproductive parameters for the next birth

Ameliorates reproductive parameters for the next birth

Mode of action

solergy provides gluconeogenic substrates that activate energy generation in the liver together with fat catabolism. Increases the energy uptake of amino acids. It also contains phytogenic substrates that protect gluconeogenesis and stimulate other pathways for energy production.

In addition, the gluconeogenic cycle mobilizes the Acetyl-Co-A accumulated in the degradation of fats, thus improving the voluntary intake of the sow,

Better use, More intake, More energy.


More milk for the piglets that gain more weight, resulting in greater benefits.

More milk, more vigorous piglets and less mortality.

Better body condition score of the sow at weaning, earlier and better ovulation with fewer unproductive days of the sow on the farm higher number of piglets in the next cycle (farrowing)..


La cerda está sometida a una gran demanda energética que no es capaz de cubrir mediante la alimentación.

El BALANCE ENERGÉTICO NEGATIVO obliga a movilizar reservas grasas que conllevan un SOBRE-ESFUERZO HEPÁTICO para metabolizar toda esa grasa además de la dieta, con el consiguiente RIESGO DE SUFRIR CETOSIS

El hígado por otro lado, ya realiza un sobreesfuerzo debido a la cantidad de leche a producir. La cerda llega al destete muy delgada, y sin reservas grasas. La falta de reservas grasas dificultará la correcta evolución hormonal:
      Retraso de la ovulación
      Disminuye la calidad y cantidad de óvulos
Aumentando el número de días improductivos y bajando la productividad del siguiente parto.





Lactating Sows


20-50 g/animal/day*

*Recommended standard dosage.
Igusol’s technical department calculates the right dosage taking into account the data and objectives of each farm.


20 kg bag